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Group of Mammalogy
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On-Going Projects
Prof. Yang Qisen
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On-Going Projects
  1. Ministry of Science and Technology: Biodiversity of Wuling Mountains, China, 2014-2019, Principle Investigator: Qisen Yang
  2. Ministry of Science and Technology: Biodiversity of Southeastern Tibet, China, 2014-2019, major Participant;
  3. NSFC program: The evolution of different eco-groups of Scuridae and their response to global change, 2013-2016, Principle Investigator: Qisen Yang
  4. NSFC program: Compiling the Fauna of China (Murinae), 2014-2015, Principle Investigator: Qisen Yang
  5. NSFC program: Phylogeny and biogeography of Cricetidae and their response to global environmental changes, 2014-2017, Principle Investigator: Lin Xia
  6. NSFC program: Phylogeny and biogeography of Dipodidae and their response to global environmental changes, 2012-2015, Principle Investigator: Lin Xia
  7. NSFC program: Morphology of Primates for using different locomotion patterns and their adaptation to environments, 2014-2017, Principle Investigator: Chengming Huang 
  8. World Wildlife Fund: Assessment of China’s vertebrates’ biodiversity trend from 1970 to 2012, 2014-2015 , Principle Investigator: Lin Xia
  9. Exploring the biodiversity of small mammals in Wolong National Nature Reserve, 2014-2016, Principle investigator: Deyan Ge
  10. Guanghui energy Co., Ltd: Assessment of the interference effects of Kamusite Mining on wildlife in Kalamaili Nature Reserve, 2014 , Principle Investigator: Qisen Yang
  11. Institute of water conservancy and Hydropower Survey and design of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: Assessment of the interference effects of Yin’E Water Supply Project on Wildlife in Kalanaili Nature Reserve, 2014 , Principle Investigator: Qisen Yang
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